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Craps | The Dice Game

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The Rules of Craps…
Craps is a dice game with a wide range of bets. The outcome of the game is determined by a throw of a hexagonal dice. Each face has from 1 to 6 points. At the initial stage, the player makes his bets. For this purpose, chips with a face value of 1 to 100 credits are used. They must be selected and placed in the proper fields. The following bets are possible:

— Pass (wins if 7 or 11 rolls up)
— Don’t Pass (wins 1 to 1 if the sum of numbers is 2, 3 or 12)
— Come/Don’t Come (7 or 11 against 2, 3 or 12, paid as 1 to 1);
— Big Six (6 appears earlier than 7, pays 1 to 1)
— Big Eight (8 appears before 7, pays 1 to 1)
— Field (wins if 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 appears, pays as 1 to 1 at 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11, 2 to 1 at 2 or 12)
— Any Seven (during the next throw, the player must score 7, pays 4 to 1)
— Any Craps (during the throw, 2, 3 or 12 should appear, pays 7 to 1)
— Craps Two (a double from numbers 1) and Craps Twelve (a double from the numbers 6) are paid most generously – 30 to 1
— Craps Three (2 + 1) and Eleven (5 + 6) have a coefficient of 15 to 1

The throw occurs after clicking or pressing the Roll key. Virtual dice fall on the left side of the interface. On the right is a window, which shows the result of the throw. After this, it becomes known, which of the Player’s bets were played. The Money cell shows the number of credits on the game balance. The smallest bet is 1 credit, and the largest bet is 100.

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